
About Corona Virus

Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses in humans. These viruses are divided into three subfamilies, including the SARS virus, the influenza virus, and the common cold virus. The SARS coronavirus is the best known of the family, having caused an outbreak of respiratory illness in 2002-2004. The influenza virus is the second subfamily and is responsible for most cases of influenza in humans. The common cold virus is the third subfamily and is responsible for most cases of the common cold.

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Coronavirus what it is?

Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different types, and some cause disease. A recently identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has caused a global pandemic of respiratory illnesses, called COVID-19. Coronaviruses are common in many different species of animals, including camels, cows, cats, and bats. Rarely, animal coronaviruses can infect people and then spread from person to person, as is the case with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.

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How to Protect Yourself

There is no sure way to prevent infection with the coronavirus (COVID-19). The best way to reduce your risk of getting sick is to:

Coronavirus Cases

There are currently more than 100,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide. The vast majority of cases have been in China, where the outbreak began. However, cases have now been reported in more than 80 countries, including the United States, Italy, Iran, and South Korea.

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Cases 01

The first case is the mildest and does not usually require hospitalization. Symptoms are similar to those of a cold or flu, including fever, cough, and sore throat.

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Cases 02

The second case is more serious and may require hospitalization, as the symptoms are more intense and may include high fever, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

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Cases 03

The third case is the most serious and can lead to death. Symptoms include high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, and organ failure.

What doctors say..


Dr.Angeli Darsonn

You have to maintain social distancing, wash your hands frequently and wear masks. The covid 19 disease is very contagious and can be easily contracted if proper precautions are not taken. You have to be well informed about the disease and follow all the recommendations of the experts to avoid contracting it. The covid 19 disease is seriously affecting the economy and society in general, so all necessary measures must be taken to avoid it.


Dr.Golap Den

The covid 19 disease is affecting all the inhabitants of the world, both the elderly and the minors. There are people who think that the disease is a scam, but the truth is that it exists and is affecting many people. The disease is very dangerous and all possible precautions must be taken to avoid contracting it.


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